
One of the major problems that our society is facing today is Talāq (divorce). It disunities the family, causes unhappiness and everlasting sorrow to many families. The children that are victims of divorce are facing numerous challenges, one of which is inability to get sound education. The paper adopted a qualitative approach and its data was based on secondary sources and content analysis of relevant documents. The article harnesses the available information in the Shar’īah to justify the position of Islam on Talāq . The article looks at Talāq and its negative effects on the couple and their children, especially the Muslim ones. In tackling the paper, efforts were made to state the expectations of people on marriage, the meaning of major concepts, the grounds for divorce and the stated steps to prevent its occurrence. It was found out that divorce is only permitted in Islam in extreme cases. However, if it is inevitable it causes a lot of problems not only to the couple but their children. Suggestions were therefore made for its eradication or at least its reduction in our society and the challenge was also thrown to the scholars of Islamic family law to proffer additional solutions to the problems. Keywords: Talāq, effects, education, children, Islamic viewpoint DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-14-02 Publication date: May 31 st 2023

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