
The Pachacutec 1.0 workshop is an academic methodology proposed in an environment located between theurban and rural boundary of the province of Huancayo,department of Junin. In the first stage of this article, thegeographic and landscape qualities of the work site aredescribed, to later expand with a description of the mostimportant elements of the study environment, such asthe landscape, ancestral cultures and contemporarylocal traditions; then an explanation of the formulation ofthe conceptual idea of the proposed workshop is given,based on the antecedents of Andean cosmovision andhistorical data that shape and justify the workshop calledPachacutec. With the objective of developing a rural urbanintervention within a community, by linking the inhabitantsto their contributions, we can propose architecture coherent with their environment and real needs. This last stagecame to its conclusion with the presentation of the workin their own community where the students supportedwith all the graphic and visual information presented theirwork to the attending population, ending this academicstage very rich in experiences and social connections,cultural and academic.

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