
Foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum L.) is a troublesome weed in irrigated pastures. Several grass species seeded on two irrigated pastures at Lethbridge to test their ability to compete with foxtail barley. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and creeping foxtail (Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir) reduced foxtail barley groundcover significantly compared to orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), pubescent wheatgrass (Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richt.) and western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii Rydb.); therefore, seeding of these grasses in areas subject to foxtail barley invasion should be encouraged. Key words: Foxtail barley, tall fescue, creeping foxtail, wet soils, salinity, weed suppression

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