
It is very encouraging to see trainees who are so enthusiastic about training that they are prepared to persist despite considerable barriers to carry out this type of audit. Hawkins et al are to be congratulated for raising these issues, especially at a time when postgraduate medical education is


  • Bonnar Higher specialist training in child and adolescent psychiatry: commentary culture of collaboration and joint ownership of the academic programme that would direct the current arrangements to produce a more coordinated, protected and rewarding training experience

  • The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Advisory Committee (CAPSAC) would wish to encourage the College to expand the use of the website to disseminate good practice in training

  • Partnership working is one of the key themes of the modern National Health Service and it would seem obvious to suggest that we ought to be able to do this within our own training schemes

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CAPSAC and programme organisers

The CAPSAC advisory papers are written to provide guidance to those involved in running higher training programmes and to allow trainees to assess whether or not the training that they are being offered is consistent with what the College recognises as adequate experience for the training of future consultants in their specialty. The advisory papers written in 1999 (Royal College of Psychiatrists Higher Specialist Training Committee, 1999) are in need of updating, but a decision has been made not to undertake this challenging task until we have greater clarity about the shape of future run-through training This does mean that advice about training has not moved on as quickly as the demands of organising a scheme. The CAPSAC would wish to encourage the College to expand the use of the website to disseminate good practice in training

Trainees and programme organisers
CAPSAC and managers
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