
Anterior crossbite is a malocclusion that takes place for various reasons, leads to major problems and may be fixed using various methods. This study aimed to provide an update regarding the methods used for anterior crossbite treatment presenting treatments of the removable active acrylic appliance with bite plane. Clinical examination of aged 9–15, seven healthy children who visited our clinic due to crowding and esthetic displeasure in anterior teeth indicated that one or more permanent maxillar incisor teeth were positioned behind of permanent mandibular incisor teeth. After clinical-radiographical examinations, removable active acrylic appliances with bite plane were decided to apply. Patients with adapted-activated appliances were called to follow-ups once a week. Treatments continued 4–6 weeks in mixed dentition, 7–8 weeks in permanent dentition. In choosing the method, advantages-disadvantages, indications-contraindications of methods should be discussed. Correct indication and suitable motivation are important for the success of anterior crossbite treatment.

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