
In this review, using genome editing, the quality trait alterations in important crops have been discussed, along with the challenges encountered to maintain the crop products' quality. The delivery of economic produce with superior quality is as important as high yield since it dictates consumer's acceptance and end use. Improving product quality of various agricultural and horticultural crops is one of the important targets of plant breeders across the globe. Significant achievements have been made in various crops using conventional plant breeding approaches, albeit, at a slower rate. To keep pace with ever-changing consumer tastes and preferences and industry demands, such efforts must be supplemented with biotechnological tools. Fortunately, many of the quality attributes are resultant of well-understood biochemical pathways with characterized genes encoding enzymes at each step. Targeted mutagenesis and transgene transfer have been instrumental in bringing out desired qualitative changes in crops but have suffered from various pitfalls. Genome editing, a technique for methodical and site-specific modification of genes, has revolutionized trait manipulation. With the evolution of versatile and cost effective CRISPR/Cas9 system, genome editing has gained significant traction and is being applied in several crops. The availability of whole genome sequences with the advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies further enhanced the precision of these techniques. CRISPR/Cas9 system has also been utilized for desirable modifications in quality attributes of various crops such as rice, wheat, maize, barley, potato, tomato, etc. The present review summarizes salient findings and achievements of application of genome editing for improving product quality in various crops coupled with pointers for future research endeavors.

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