
Taila is one among the Chatur Snehas the others being Ghrita Vasa and Majja. These Snehas are used regularly in the treatment of eye disorders but Taila as such is considered Achakshushya. However there are references of Tailas having a Phalashrutri of Timira or Chakshurogas. They can not only be used directly on the eyes but can be used in other forms as well. The commonly used Tailas in the day-to-day practice include Triphala Taila Anutaila Ksheerabala Taila. Basti Padabhyanga Murdhni Taila Prayoga and Nasya are the most common ways of using such Tailas. Basti is not only considered as Ardhachikitsa but also has the ability to reach each organ of the body. The Ida and Pingala Nadis form a connection between the Pada and the Akshi thus Padabhyanga proves effective in Netrarogas. Murdhni Tailas help in strengthening the Indriyas have a wide application in the maintenance and quality of sleep which further influence the Indriyas. The Nasa acts as a Dwara to the Shiras. Thus Nasya is one of the most important ways to reach the Indriyas situated in it. Tailas can therefore be used directly on the Netras and can also be used in various other ways thus having an important role to play in the management of Netrarogas. This article aimed at compiling references of Taila Prayoga in Netrarogas and exploring its use in various treatment procedures which can be brought into day-to-day practice and can be explored in further studies.

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