
And so here we are : the end of anotheracademic year, summer beckons and the 4thonline edition of Surgo 2023/4. Timely thento review the last year as we look forward toa well-deserved holiday to rechargeourselves for next year. It was so joyous to see all the graduatingfinal year students at the GU to celebratetheir magnificent achievement and heartheir excitement in joining the nobleprofession of Medicine come August.Extremely proud of all of them and eager tocall them my colleagues! MedChir has organised another successfulyear packed full of social and educationalevents. It is always an honor and pleasure tobe involved. A highlight was the Revuejudging invitation – especially when my andother fabulous colleagues’ faces featured inthe winning (of course!) performance. Welldone the Glasgow Medics Netball Club!!! Surgo (born in the 1930s) is now online – aneconomic saving for MedChir and moresustainable for the environment. Everypublication here on out is “discoverable” published work is therefore legitimate CVentries.Very well done to those who submittedvisual abstracts to Surgo. I have learnt somuch from your interesting projects! FYIthe best 5 entries are published witheach issue of Surgo, with the overall endof year winner receiving a grand £100prize. (Get your skates on!)Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulnessis a feeling of appreciation by a recipientof another's kindness. This kindness canbe gifts, help, favors, or another form ofgenerosity to another person. The wordcomes from the Latin word gratus,which means "pleasing" or "thankful"(Wikipedia). Not to be confused with“gratis” (free, without charge) fortunately for us, practicing gratitude isfree! Daily gratitude exercise canimprove our emotional wellbeing byhelping us cope with stress (1) – so here Igo: This has been a busy year – a newRadiology chapter in the latest Kumarand Clark (eek!), speaking invitations toVienna and Gothenburg, runner up forNHS Education Scotland Innovation inEducation prize and winning 2 grantsfrom the Association of Study of MedicalEducation. I organised the ScottishRadiological Society Spring Meetingwith a Well-Being and Education focus. Itwas attended by almost 100 radiologists,the first to witness a standing ovation (Ithink) and the wonderful, generousfeedback was deeply humbling. I am grateful to my family, all my clinicaland radiological colleagues, theuniversity, medical students and mypatients They allow me to improve patient caredirectly and also indirectly through myinteractions with you - tomorrow’sdoctors. Finally, I am very grateful to have got toknow and work with Anna Bradford,Surgo Editor in Chief this year. Anna is aforce of nature – publishing 4 issues ofthis year (“usual” is 2 issues/year with nopublications for a while! That is a tale foranother Tail lights…). Her energy,enthusiasm and determination has beeninstrumental in bringing Surgo into the21st Century and online. I wish her all thevery best as she hunkers down to thebusiness of getting through final yearMBChB. I am looking forward to workingwith Daanyaal Ashraf who has manyideas for Surgo 2024/5. Future I am brimming with excitement towelcoming students, international andlocal experts to the Uncertainty inMedicine / Humanities elective thissummer. The Surgo Visual AbstractCompetition will continue into 2024/25 so please send in your interestingprojects to Daanyaal (publication = CVfodder and £20 prize – don’t say I am notgenerous to you!). Finally, I am lookingforward to my new role at DundeeMedical School. Until the next Tail lights – have a greatsummer!

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