
The Inclusive Education Programme or known as Program Pendidikan Inklusif (PPI) was created to provide an opportunity and space for Pupils with Special Needs or Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK) to acquire suitable education which is aligned with their requirements. The levels of knowledge, readiness and positive attitude of the mainstream teachers are all important aspects to ensure that the inclusive education programme could be implemented effectively. The objective of this study was to identify the readiness level of the mainstream teachers towards the implementation of this programme. Generally, this quantitative study utilised the survey instrument to identify and analyse in an empirical and systematic manner regarding the readiness level of the mainstream teachers at four primary schools in the Sabak Bernam district. The Constructivism learning theory by Lev Semenovich Vygotsky was utilised to describe the readiness level of the mainstream teachers who were involved in the implementation of the inclusive education programme. The study sample comprised 90 mainstream teachers who were involved in the inclusive education programme at the selected schools. The level of readiness of mainstream teachers in the implementation of IEP is also at a moderate level with a mean value = 3.52 and standard deviation = 0.89. The conclusion from the analysis indicated that the readiness level of the teachers could be improved from time to time to ensure that the Inclusive Education Programme could be implemented effectively.

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