
Although Malaysian pilgrims have been making various preparations before pilgrimage either preparation courses as well as printed material, the understanding performance of Malaysian pilgrims in Mecca is still doubtful. This study aims to review the understanding of pilgrimage among the Malaysian pilgrims in Mecca. Questionnaires were distributed to Malaysian pilgrims during pilgrimage season 2012/1433H in Mecca and fifty questionnaires were returned to be analyzed. Descriptive analyses were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that Malaysian pilgrims are still facing a lot of questions about the pilgrimage pillar and obligatory that was taught while attending the course in their homeland. It was also discovered that they did a lot of mistakes in the implementation of pilgrimage through the question and answer session that was monitored by the Tabung Haji Expert Office in Mecca. It can be concluded that the understanding of Malaysian pilgrims towards pilgrimage implementation has not been on the satisfactory level because they do not get a clear view of the implementation. Therefore, the virtual hajj approach among the pilgrims is the new approach to reach their understanding goal. The findings are important to get an overview of the perceptions of Malaysian pilgrims towards virtual hajj to create the true atmosphere on the implementation of pilgrimage. It is also important to all researchers and pilgrim manager to improve the quality and effectiveness of pilgrimage in the future.

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