
In Latvian dictionaries, the word-formation has been analysed focusing on word-formation means different from those in written language, but there are few observations and conclusions about conversion. The dictionary of Vainiži subdialect and the dictionary of Nīca subdialect representing, respectively, the Livonian dialect (Vainiži – one of Vidzeme Livonian subdialects) and the Middle dialect (Nīca – one of Curonian dialects), have been used to establish similarities and differences in substantivization in two Latvian dialects. Notwithstanding substantial differences (differential/full type dictionary; publishing finished/unfinished), both dictionaries contain substantivizations of participles, which had been examined mostly using the descriptive method because quantitative methods could not be applied due to different types and scopes of the dictionaries. The process of participle substantivization has the potential for nomination – both the synonyms for already existing names and names for new facts and objects can be created on the grounds of the basic verb’s semantics. It is possible to create a name for a concrete object, e.g. dẽjamais ‘a tool for filling sausages’ in Nīca, uzliêkams ‘a compress’ in Vainiži, as well as create substantivized participles with the meaning of generalization, e.g. dzeramais, also dzerams ‘that what is drinkable; a beverage’ in Nīca, piêkuôžams ‘a snack’ in Vainiži. Differences in the use of present passive participles had been ascertained: in the dictionary of Nīca subdialect, the definite ending predominates, but the indefinite ending predominates in the dictionary of Vainiži subdialect. The conversion of compounds in the Livonian dialect is based on dialectal differences in word-formation, e.g. zâbakvȩlkams, zâbakvȩlkameš ‘a tool for taking off boots’ in Vainiži subdialect; whereas word-group names with a substantivized present passive participle are characteristic to the Middle dialect, e.g. linu laũzâmaîs in Nīca subdialect.

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