
In these two verses (2: 60 and 61) miraculous favours of Allah on Banu Isra'il have been mentioned. They were twelve tribes and thus huge multitude of human beings and quenching the thirst without any source of drinking water was a great challenge in the area. All the people requested the prophet of God and he supplicated before God Almighty, the Creator and Sustainer of all. The command and guidance came and the striking of the staff by the prophet of God on the stone resulted in twelve springs, three from each side and all the tribes satiated all their needs to the maximum. There is lesson in the event that it is the following and sincere obedience of Divine Command by all brings the instant results. Faith in God is invaluable and when it is full, sincere and by all the mercy of God comes instantly and abundantly.Miracles were also with Divine wisdom. Nothing is irrational or without any Divine Policy. Miracles create certainty and confidence and remove uncertainty and doubts of all kinds. It is the unbelief even after seeing the miracles with naked eyes that brought punishment over the people. The reason is that thereafter there remains no scope to deny the existence of God and His being All powerful. A miracle is a sign shown by a Prophet of God by the leave of God which is beyond the power of all besides God Almighty. It is extraordinary and supernatural. Nature is not God. Nature is also creation of God.Miracles are of two kinds, one kind is empirical (Hissi) which can be seen by the five senses as the cooling of the fire, rod becoming a dragon, hand becoming shiningly white, borb blind gaining eyesight by wiping hand on his eyes, disappearance of leprosy, melting of iron in the hand, subduing of mighty animals, becoming alive of the dead, splitting of the sea and giving way to pass through it, turning of wood into a sword, of rock into sand,of water into milk, of lazy into swift, of dearth into affluence etc. The other kind is non-empirical (ma`nawi) as the revelation of the divine books upon the Prophets and Messengers of God (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of them).All miracles without any exception whatever that appeared at the hands of all the Prophets and Messengers of God Almighty were solid evidence of the sending of the Prophets and the Messengers by God Almighty.

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