
This is a new edition of the manual published in 1974 and 1984. Compared with those earlier editions it is revised, enlarged and more precise in its argumentation. In its beginnings the manual aimed at meeting the didactic needs to present students of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy at the ATK (Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw) a complete handling of Christian ethics. The author, who wrote his manual in difficult times of communist ideology, decided to include in one work, besides a positive exposition of Christian ethics, a critical discussion with other ethical systems as well as his own explicit theory on Augustinian and Thomistic ethics, which he endeavoured to develop. Thus the work interlocked the didactic objectives and the process of growth and justification of the Author's views (R. Darowski SJ, Filozofia Jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku (Jesuits' Philosophy in Poland in the 20th century), Krakow 2001, p. 308).


  • Tadeusz SLIPKO SJ, Zarys etyki ogölnej [Outline of General Ethics], third enlarged edition, Kraköw 2002, Ignatianum - WAM Editions, pp. 460

  • In its beginnings the manual aimed at meeting the didactic needs to present students of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy at the ATK (Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw) a complete handhng of Christian ethics

  • The author, who wrote his manual in difficult times of communist ideology, decided to include in one work, besides a positive exposition of Christian ethics, a critical discussion with other ethical systems as well as his own explicit theory on Augustinian and Thomistic ethics, which he endeavoured to develop

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Recensiones I Book Reviews I Recenzje

Bien que la philosophie de Thomme contenue dans ce livre soit d'inspiration thomiste, eile est ouverte aux acquisitions des courants philosophiques posterieurs, y compris contemporains, notamment de la phenomenologie et du personalisme. 136-256) contient, entre autres, des textes d'Aristote, Augustin, Thomas d'Aquin, Descartes, Max Scheler, Roman Ingarden, Jacques Maritain, Karol Wojtyla; La Declaration Universelle des Droits de VHomme, ONU 1948 ; Encyclique du Pape Jean XXIII Pacem in terris, 1963 (fragments sur les droits et les devoirs de Thomme), La Charte des Droits Fondamentaux de VUnion Europeenne, Nice 2000. Index des personnes et Index des sujets traites terminent le livre

Stanislaw LEäNIAK
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