
The influence of landmarks, that is, nearby non-target stimuli, on spatial perception has been shown in multiple ways. These include altered target localization variability near landmarks and systematic spatial distortions of target localizations. Previous studies have mostly been conducted in the visual modality using temporary, artificial landmarks or the tactile modality with persistent landmarks on the body. Thus, it is unclear whether both landmark types produce the same spatial distortions as they were never investigated in the same modality. Addressing this, we used a novel tactile setup to present temporary, artificial landmarks on the forearm and systematically manipulated their location to either be close to a persistent landmark (wrist or elbow) or in between both persistent landmarks at the middle of the forearm. Initial data (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2) suggested systematic differences of temporary landmarks based on their distance from the persistent landmark, possibly indicating different distortions of temporary and persistent landmarks. Subsequent control studies (Exp. 3 and Exp. 4) showed this effect was driven by the relative landmark location within the target distribution. Specifically, landmarks in the middle of the target distribution led to systematic distortions of target localizations toward the landmark, whereas landmarks at the side led to distortions away from the landmark for nearby targets, and toward the landmark with wider distances. Our results indicate that experimental results with temporary landmarks can be generalized to more natural settings with persistent landmarks, and further reveal that the relative landmark location leads to different effects of the pattern of spatial distortions.

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