
The issues of tactics of overcoming counteraction to the investigation of the occupation of the highest position in the criminal hierarchy are considered. Based on the generalization of investigative and judicial practice, typical ways of countering the investigation of this crime are identified. The article defines that for the purpose of such counteraction, interested persons use message encryption, as well as falsification, destruction, modification of material objects and documents. Witnesses are forced to refuse to testify. In general, such methods are reduced to masking information about the functions performed by the suspect and about other signs of his status position in the criminal hierarchy. Organizational and administrative, regulatory, judicial, punitive functions are masked by friendly advice, rules of the hostel, criticism of violators, resolution of domestic conflicts, etc. The disposal of the thieves’ cash register is disguised as the organization of the mutual assistance cash register. The status signs of this crime are expressed in the occupation of the highest position in the criminal hierarchy, according to the traditions and rules of the criminal subculture. It is shown that a typical way of distorting status signs is to represent a thieves’ ritual as a playful form of behavior. Tactical techniques that contribute to obtaining reliable data on the signs of a suspect occupying a higher position in the criminal hierarchy are aimed at verifying the reliability of sources of evidentiary information. The article suggests effective tactical operations, such as the appointment of forensic examinations, interrogation, and other investigative actions, in combination with operational search measures of a search and verification nature.

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