
Plastic pollution, spanning macroplastics to nanoplastics, poses multifaceted challenges. Low-value plastics (LVP), like multi-layered plastics (MLP) and soft plastics, are often discarded, exacerbating environmental issues. LVP's classification, with high collection costs and complex recycling, demands immediate attention. This study explores LVP management solutions, including converting to plastic lumber and RDF products. Anticipated advancements in multilayer plastic recycling offer hope, with downcycling as an option. LVP's environmental and health impacts, including microplastic contamination and toxin release during incineration, underscore the need for sustainable waste practices and plastic alternatives. Addressing LVP is crucial for environmental and human health, ensuring sustainability. Keywords: Low-value plastics, Multi-Layered Plastic (MLP), Health implications, Recycling challenges

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