
Abstract The disclosure of personal data and the decision by individuals to do so is ubiquitous. Which aspects influence this decision? How is disclosure regulated in different jurisdictions and how far do protective mechanisms go in favor of the ‘data subject’? These questions only scratch the surface of topics which the University of Passau research project ‘Vectors of Data Disclosure’ is addressing comparatively and with regard to Brazil, China, the European Union, Ghana, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, and the United States since January 2021. The project takes an interdisciplinary approach and aims to tackle these questions by combining cultural, legal, and business information systems perspectives. The project is led by Moritz Hennemann, Daniela Wawra, Kai von Lewinski and Thomas Widjaja. Concluding the first 18 months of the project, the project team invited international experts from different disciplines to Munich, offering a platform to discuss new insights and receive feedback on the project’s preliminary research results so far.

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