
This chapter introduces a secure online track-and-trace system for tackling counterfeiting. According to the Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau (CIB), part of the International Chamber of Commerce, 7% of all world trade is in counterfeit goods and the counterfeit market is worth $350 billion (IACC, 2003). Virtually every country in the world suffers from counterfeiting which results in—lost tax revenue, job losses, health and safety problems and business losses. Furthermore counterfeit goods do not only target famous brand names but anything that will sell such as bottled water. Counterfeiters are increasingly damaging businesses. Businesses need to fight against counterfeiting. Nowadays, there is an explosion of mobile wireless services accessible via mobile phones with a built in camera. The mobile users can access the Internet at any time, from anywhere using ubiquitous inexpensive computing. Mobile camera phones and other handheld devices are becoming indispensable. The aim of this chapter is to show how business can protect their products from counterfeiting by using a secure online track-and-trace system, which will allow their customers to authenticate the products in real time through a Web-enabled mobile camera phone. This will assist business and customers by confirming that the said product is genuine and not counterfeit, which can be accomplished at anytime and any location. Furthermore, the system does not require any significant change to the existing business operational systems.

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