
Cosmic inflation is the theory that the universe underwent a violent, rapid expansion at the beginning of time, giving rise to much of the observed structure in the universe 1. This theory is supported by indirect observational evidence from many different sources (e.g. see 2). However, direct experimental investigation of inflation is of course impossible. For this reason there has been considerable interest in analog models for astrophysics (e.g. see 3), in which analogous behavior is studied in systems that are experimentally convenient. Due to their cleanness and great flexibility, dilute ultra-cold atomic gases (particularly Bose-Einstein condensates) form an attractive system for realizing such analog models. Indeed, a number of such table-top-astrophysics experiments have been conducted with Bose-Einstein condensates. For example, supernova-like collapse and explosion dynamics 4, controlled by modifying inter-atomic interactions using Feshbach resonances, and later interpreted as cosmological particle creation 5; Faster-than-sound flow of a condensate has been used to produce a sonic black hole analog 6; The in situ measurements of density fluctuations in a quenched quasi-two-dimensional condensate have demonstrated Sakharov like oscillations, analogous to the process thought to give rise to the anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation 7. In Quantum simulations of the early universe Opanchuk and collaborators 8 propose using a two component condensate to simulate the inflationary phase of the early universe (see Fig. 1). In appropriate limits the relative phase between the two fields describing the condensate components is known to obey the sine-Gordon equation 9. The sine-Gordon model (SGM) is one of many scalar models for inflation that have been investigated in cosmology. It is thought to provide an acceptable model of the beginning of inflation where, starting from an unstable vacuum state, quantum fluctuations seed the cosmological inhomogeneities that lead to structure formation. However, the SGM likely fails to describe the end of inflation as its scalar potential does not generate efficient parametric resonances needed to ensure reheating of the universe 10, 11. The SGM also has applications in cosmology beyond inflation, and is a model for the “axion” matter field considered as a promising candidate for dark matter12. An important innovation in the scheme proposed by Opanchuk et al. is the introduction of a microwave (linear) coupling between the components that provides a practical way to initialize the system into an unstable vacuum state and controllably explore the subsequent evolution. Approximate numerical simulations, performed using the truncated Wigner approach, verify dynamical clustering can occur within experimentally realistic parameter regimes. The main challenge to realizing the proposed scenario will be finding an atom, and a pair of internal states, with suitable interaction parameters. It is likely that such an atom will be available given the increasing diversity of atomic species that have been Bose-condensed, and the great control over interactions afforded by Feshbach resonances. Aided by the rich toolbox of techniques available to ultra-cold atomic physics an array of opportunities present themselves for developing this line of research, such as: Engineering gravitational-like effects through including long range interactions, e.g. through electromagnetically induced gravity 13; Enhancing quantum fluctuations through stronger interactions or by confining the system in an optical lattice; Engineering richer models by including more spin states and other species of atoms.

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