
Abstract Cover Story Is your institution ready to comply with Red Flags Rule? New financial rule imposes duties on higher ed institutions Know how to recognize and respond to red flags to prevent, deal with identity theft FTC rule applies to ID theft, fraud Review key actions mandated by Red Flags Rule Legal News Briefs Settlement ends suit for FERPA violation Equestrian team rides on with Title IX settlement Fla. colleges agree to dismiss lawsuit Xavier U ends battle on eve of trial Of Counsel ‘Personal liability’ should be wake‐up call for presidents, senior administrators Training Tools Understand new ADA service animal regulations Meet The Advisory Board Get to know Campus Legal Advisor's board members Lawsuits & Rulings ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT — DIVERSITY Court ratifies enrollment practices at University of Texas DISABILITY — DISCRIMINATION Court green‐lights suit, holds eating disorder is a disability HUMAN RESOURCES — DISCRIMINATION Bathroom ban did not violate transgender's rights, court finds FERPA — PRIVACY NCAA ordered to disclose transcript of FSU's infraction hearing DISABILITY — ACCESSIBILITY Review reveals that college facilities lacked assistive listening system TITLE IX — DISCRIMINATION Preadmissions inquiry about marital status violates Title IX DISABILITY — DISCRIMINATION Accommodations aren't required for study‐abroad programs DISMISSAL — BREACH OF CONTRACT Tuition refund ends student's breach‐of‐contract claim ACADEMIC AFFAIRS — DUE PROCESS Dismissal without a hearing violates student's rights ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT — RESIDENT STATUS Court rejects student's attempt to qualify for in‐state tuition STUDENT AFFAIRS — HARASSMENT Librarian mistreated all students regardless of race, court finds Did a coach's refusal to accept reassignment breach employment contract? CAMPUS LEGAL ADVISOR QUICK STUDY

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