
Abstract Cover Story Lessons from Va. Tech massacre were not lost on NIU NIU's response to shooting reflects lessons learned from Va. Tech News Briefing Lawsuit over student deaths dismissed Students disciplined for cyberbullying Pharmacy prof. under investigation Iowa school to ban smoking Leaders & Innovators RANDY ERVIN, CHIEF OF POLICE, LAKE LAND COLLEGE Create support system to achieve your goals for your unit Bright Idea Test your emergency response to live shooter with full‐scale exercise Alcohol Reach out to feeder schools to tackle campus drinking problem Did You Know? Addressing real concerns keeps consortium going strong Parents, feeder high schools can help reduce high‐risk drinking Prevent unsafe consumption through education Managing Your Office Avoid inappropriate questions when interviewing potential hires Resources Computer security issues continue to plague institutions Information technology is changing the face of campus safety Lawsuits & Rulings FIRST AMENDMENT Student's vandalism isn't First Amendment protected speech FOURTH AMENDMENT Search of student's dorm room didn't violate 4th Amendment, court rules PERSONNEL Officer not entitled to notice of FMLA calculation Court upholds attorney's fee award for Nevada university Legislative Watch Legislative Watch: State legislative bills

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