
Abstract Cover Story Start building ongoing communication with national fraternity officials Collaborate with national headquarters to help keep fraternity/soriority chapters in good standing Be prepared for alumni reactions Briefs Online food orders cut waiting time College juniors prep highschoolers Staff, students learn shooter response Yale bans kegs at university events Assessment Advice Provide staff members with assessment training Campus Safety Try community policing approach to reduce crime Off‐campus policing proves successful Substance Abuse Reduce misconduct, increase success with ‘OneLess’ Change alcohol culture Veterans Improve student‐veterans' success by meeting their needs Promote environment, policies to support student‐veterans Resources/Managing Your Office Develop staffers via self‐coaching Resources See interactive site on student‐vet programs Get some tips on boosting retention Free resource offers ‘green’ ideas You Be The Judge Did excessive force cause officer's death at game? Law & Campus MENTAL HEALTH University may be liable for student's suicide FRATERNITY/SORORITY LIFE Chapter must wait before suing over policy Understand recent OCR rulings involving athletic facilities Leaders & Innovators CAROL THOMPSON, DIRECTOR OF OUTREACH & ALUMNI RELATIONS, DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS, THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Gain support by reconnecting with student‐leader alumni Word of Advice Reach out to alumni

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