
Abstract Cover Story Program provides comprehensive support to students on autism spectrum Support program helps students on autism spectrum succeed ASPAS addresses 4 key areas Use these tips to create support program for students on the spectrum A Brief Conversation with … L. Scott Lissner Higher ed's documentation practices must evolve to better serve today's students Of Counsel Nut allergies generally do not require residence accommodations Trends Prepare to tackle dilemmas with renewed attention to ethics Use this checklist to ensure ethical decision‐making Accommodation Preparing students with disabilities to study abroad requires a collaborative approach Managing Your Office Overcome budget, staffing challenges by building effective teams Be proactive to retain team members Etc. Former student's educational debt discharged because of Asperger syndrome UNIVERSAL DESIGN Quick tips for creating accessibility for all Make physical accessibility in classrooms a priority BEYOND ACCOMMODATION Show residence life staff how to react to students' mental health issues Legal Roundup ACCESSIBILITY University rushes to fix facilities to comply with students' needs ACCOMMODATION Retaliation claim falls flat in face of lawful reason for student's dismissal DISCRIMINATION OCR finds fault with treatment of student with mental illness PERSONNEL Plaintiff's failure to submit to exam doomed disability claim Supervisor may have to reimburse university for employee's dismissal Judge rules temporary, unpaid leave was reasonable accommodation QUICK STUDY

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