
We propose an efficient grassmannian formalism for solution of bi-linear finite-difference Hirota equation (T-system) on T-shaped lattices related to the space of highest weight representations of $gl(K_1,K_2|M)$ superalgebra. The formalism is inspired by the quantum fusion procedure known from the integrable spin chains and is based on exterior forms of Baxter-like Q-functions. We find a few new interesting relations among the exterior forms of Q-functions and reproduce, using our new formalism, the Wronskian determinant solutions of Hirota equations known in the literature. Then we generalize this construction to the twisted Q-functions and demonstrate the subtleties of untwisting procedure on the examples of rational quantum spin chains with twisted boundary conditions. Using these observations, we generalize the recently discovered, in our paper with N. Gromov, AdS/CFT Quantum Spectral Curve for exact planar spectrum of AdS/CFT duality to the case of arbitrary Cartan twisting of AdS$_5\times$S$^5$ string sigma model. Finally, we successfully probe this formalism by reproducing the energy of gamma-twisted BMN vacuum at single-wrapping orders of weak coupling expansion.


  • In 1931, Hans Bethe analysed the very first example of a quantum integrable model — Heisenberg SU(2) XXX spin chain — and showed that it can be reduced to algebraic equations which bear his name [1]

  • If we focus on the QQrelation (3.14a), we see that if the Q-functions are polynomial, their degrees obey deg Q[At∓;∅1;S] 3 (QA),a|I + deg QA,b|I =

  • We gave a general description of grassmannian structure emerging from fusion relations in integrable rational Heisenberg super-spin chains

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In 1931, Hans Bethe analysed the very first example of a quantum integrable model — Heisenberg SU(2) XXX spin chain — and showed that it can be reduced to algebraic equations which bear his name [1]. This is a quite well established topic in the literature, in particular its geometric interpretation can be spotted from discussion in [4]. It happens in a very natural way: one should gauge the global rotational GL(N ) symmetry w.r.t. the space of spectral parameter, making it local and introducing a new object: a holomorphic connection A. A potential advantage of our method is the possibility to find the corrections to this state on a regular basis, by the methods similar to [22, 23] as well as application of the efficient numerical procedure of [24], but this is beyond the scope of the current paper

Algebraic properties of Q-system and solution of Hirota equations
Hirota equation in historical perspective
QQ-relations and flags of CN
Symmetry transformations on Q-systems
Solution of Hirota equation on a strip
Gauge symmetry of the Hirota equation
Proof A: existence of solutions to Hirota equation
Proof B: uniqueness of the solution to Hirota equation
Bijection between supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric Q-systems
QQ-relations with a grading
Expression for T-functions in a T-hook
Backlund flow in supersymmetric case
Polynomiality and twist
Polynomiality and spin chains
Twisted spin chains and Q-system
Twist as an exponential prefactor
Twist as a holomorphic connection
Dependence on twist and the untwisting limit: illustration on examples
Dependence on twist and the untwisting limit: general picture
Twisted Quantum Spectral Curve
Twisting of Quantum Spectral Curve
Twisted Pμ and Qω systems
Asymptotics of Q-functions for full and partial twistings
Particular cases of twisting
A4 A1 A2
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