
In the Communication of K. Hegetschweiler and co-workers in Issue 22, pp. 4179–4182, two important relevant papers were not quoted, for which the authors apologize: R. Schwesinger, K. Piontek, W. Littke, O. Schweikert, H. Prinzbach, C. Krüger, Y.-H. Tsay, Tetrahedron Lett. 1982, 23, 2427–2430; b) R. Schwesinger, K. Piontek, W. Littke, H. Prinzbach, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1985, 24, 318–319. The authors apologize for this omission. In particular, ref. a describes complex formation of Ba2+ with cis-benzenetrioxide, a tridentate, tripodal oxygen donor. The resulting complex has icosahedral structures with approximate T symmetry, analogous to the complex described by Hegetschweiler and co-workers. Unfortunately, crystallographic data of this Ba complex are not available in the database of the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. The authors thank Professor Prinzbach, Freiburg, for his advice.

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