
An increase in the number of patients with gluten intolerance and celiac disease leads to the increase of the consumption of gluten-free foods. In addition, millions of people around the world consume gluten-free food not only because of the diagnosis of celiac disease, but also because of the common understanding of health support and disease prevention. The range of gluten-free food in Ukraine is not quite diverse, so the urgent task is to conduct research on its expansion and diversification. Flour confectionery was chosen as the object of research. As new recipe components – rice flour (RF) and coconut flour (CF). A characteristic of RF is low protein content, however, compared with proteins of other cereals, RF proteins are balanced in aminoacid composition, well absorbed by the body (digestion coefficient of 95.9%), starch content up to 80%, which is dominated by amylopectin, which causes increased hygroscopicity and swelling of the RF. In addition, the grains of rice starch have a small size (5… 6 μm), which leads to an increase in the specific surface area in contact with water when kneading the dough. The water-binding capacity of RF is low (132%), and this is due to the low content of dietary fiber (2.3%) and the properties of proteins. It was found that RF has a total (titrated) acidity of 2.2 degrees, contains few organic acids – the value of active pH acidity (5.65 – 5.7 units), the content of mono- and disaccharides in RF is 0.7%, which is 2.5 times lower than in wheat flour (WF). The activity of amylolytic enzymes is low. CF, in contrast to rice flour, contains 3.1% ash, 10.9% lipids, 12.1% protein and 60.9% dietary fiber. The amount of fiber is 39 g, which is 10 times more than in wheat flour, 3 times more than in wholegrain flour. The amount of protein in coconut flour is not inferior to wholegrain flour, but carbohydrates are much less than in any other flour. CF is equal to the bean flour according to the content of proteins and carbohydrates, has a distinct coconut scent, delicate, sweet flavor. The presence of sugar and fat in the composition of CF allows you to adjust the prescription composition of products from it. Dietary fiber, which is part of it, helps reduce the absorption of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, as well as the reduction of the glycemic index of food. Therefore, it is advisable to use CF in the diet of people prone to obesity and diabetes. It is not contained the inhibitors of digestive enzymes, unlike PF, from flour from beans and nuts, so CF can not interfere with digestion and assimilation of nutrients, including minerals. Therefore, it is advisable to use selected types of flour in the production of unleavened flour products. The aim of the work was to substantiate the use of blends based on CF and RF in the cake dough products manufacturing. The selection of the optimal flour content in the composition was based on the study of organoleptic descriptors of ready products. It is determined that obtaining ready products of proper quality is possible through the use of compositions based on RF: CF – 50:50%. Taking into account the functional properties and nutritional composition of the products, it was determined that the content of eggs in the prescription composition was increased 3 times, the amount of sugar and fat was reduced by 10%. New types of gluten-free products have been developed, which reduces dependence on imported products and provide opportunities for domestic producers to enter a new level of development.

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