
Here, we describe a novel member in the group of membrane-anchored chymotrypsin (S1)-like serine proteases, namely testis serine protease 1 (T-SP1), as it is principally expressed in testis tissue. The human T-SP1 gene encompasses 28.7 kb on the short arm of chromosome 8 and consists of seven exons. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) experiments revealed that due to alternative splicing three different variants (T-SP1/1, -2, -3) are detectable in testis tissue displaying pronounced heterogeneity at their 3'-end. T-SP1/1 consists of an 18 amino acid signal peptide and of a 49 amino acid propeptide. The following domain with the catalytic triad of His(108), Asp(156), and Ser(250) shares sequence identities of 42% and 40% with the blood coagulation factor XI and plasma kallikrein, respectively. Only T-SP1/1 contains a hydrophobic part at the C-terminus, which provides the basis for cell membrane anchoring. Using a newly generated polyclonal anti-T-SP1 antibody, expression of the T-SP1 protein was found in the Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis and in the epithelial cells of the ductuli efferentes. Notably, T-SP1 protein was also detectable in prostate cancer and in some ovarian cancer tissues, indicating tumor-related synthesis of T-SP1 beyond testis tissue.

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