
The aim of this study was to investigate the influential role of personal values on entrepreneurship orientations among employees working in funding entrepreneurial projects in Karak province. This is achieved by building and testing a hypothesised model consisting of (economic, social, intellectual and aesthetic values) as independent variables and entrepreneurship behaviours as a dependent variable. A questionnaire consisting of 29 “likert” type items was distributed to a convenience sample of 162 respondents. After being carefully examined, a total of 152 returned questionnaires were valid for analysis, with a high response rate of 93.8%. A descriptive analysis was performed to describe the study sample. Moreover, simple and multiple regression analysis were performed to test the developed hypotheses. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant and positive impact of the dimensions of the personal values toward entrepreneurial behaviors. Discussion of the results and some recommendations for future research and decision makers were given.

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