
Secret image sharing has been researched intensively, and it has emerged as an alternative to data hiding for protecting the security and privacy of important data. In the traditional (t, n) threshold secret image sharing schemes, any t or more shadow images can reconstruct the shared secret image. However, in real applications, (t, n) threshold access structures cannot meet all of the requirements, such as the adversary structure, which means that unauthorized groups of participants cannot reconstruct the shared secret. Thus, in (t, n) threshold secret sharing with adversary structure, t participants who want to reconstruct the secret cannot do so if they happen to belong to the defined adversary structure. This novel characteristic has the potential to work in many applications. However, the existing secret image sharing mechanisms cannot achieve the adversary structure. To solve this problem, we proposed a secret image sharing scheme that can achieve the adversary structure. In addition, our scheme also is a (t, n) threshold secret image sharing scheme. That is, t or more shadow images can be used to reconstruct the secret image, but some subsets that contain at least t shadow images among the adversary structures cannot reconstruct the secret image. The experimental results showed that the validity of our scheme is satisfactory.

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