
Various approaches to T-duality with NSNS three-form flux are reconciled. Non-commutative torus fibrations are shown to be the open-string version of T-folds. The non-geometric T-dual of a three-torus with uniform flux is embedded into a generalized complex six-torus, and the non-geometry is probed by D0-branes regarded as generalized complex submanifolds. The non-commutativity scale, which is present in these compactifications, is given by a holomorphic Poisson bivector that also encodes the variation of the dimension of the world-volume of D-branes under monodromy. This bivector is shown to exist in SU ( 3 ) × SU ( 3 ) structure compactifications, which have been proposed as mirrors to NSNS-flux backgrounds. The two SU ( 3 ) -invariant spinors are generically not parallel, thereby giving rise to a non-trivial Poisson bivector. Furthermore we show that for non-geometric T-duals, the Poisson bivector may not be decomposable into the tensor product of vectors.

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