
We show that the supermembrane theory compactified on a torus is invariant under T-duality. There are two different topological sectors of the compactified supermembrane (M2) classified according to a vanishing or nonvanishing second cohomology class. We find the explicit T-duality transformation that acts locally on the supermembrane theory and we show that it is an exact symmetry of the theory. We give a global interpretation of the T-duality in terms of bundles. It has a natural description in terms of the cohomology of the base manifold and the homology of the target torus. We show that in the limit when the torus degenerate into a circle and the M2 mass operator restricts to the string-like configurations, the usual closed string T-duality transformation between the type IIA and type IIB mass operators is recovered. Moreover, if we just restrict M2 mass operator to string-like configurations but we perform a generalized T-duality we find the SL(2,Z) nonperturbative multiplet of IIA.

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