
Efforts at the National Cancer Institute to generate continuous in vitro cultures from patients with mycosis fungoides and the Sezary syndrome, neoplasms with a mature T-helper phenotype, led to the establishment of two cell lines, HUT78 and HUT102. Further characterization of these cell lines led to the identification of the first human retrovirus, HTLV-1, in the HUT102 cells, and the clinical description of the syndrome of HTLV-1 associated acute T-cell leukemia/lymphoma; the serum antibody test to screen for this virus was developed from the serum of the patient from whom the cell line was derived. The HUT78 cell line was pivotal in the identification and characterization of the HIV retrovirus in that a subclone, H9, proved to be permissive for replication of HIV in vitro. Propagation of HIV in vitro in H9 cells allowed for the development of immunological reagents to screen blood supplies for the presence of the virus. Further biologic and molecular studies of these lines have led not only to a better understanding of the underlying diseases but also to the development of rational therapeutic approaches.

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