
173 ISSN 1758-194X 10.2217/CRC.13.26 © 2013 Future Medicine Ltd Colorect. Cancer (2013) 2(3), 173–176 1Clinical Pathology Division & Translational Research Unit, Institute of Pathology, University of Bern, Murtenstrasse 31, CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland *Author for correspondence: Tel.: +41 31 632 99 58; Fax: +41 31 632 49 95; alessandro.lugli@pathology.unibe.ch The tumor microenvironment is the battleground of proand anti-tumor factors. On the tumor’s side, epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) and tumor budding is the histomorphologic signature of aggressive disease. On the host’s side, T-effector cell infiltrates are the hallmark of an active anti-tumoral immune defense. These morphological features can be measured by the histopathologist and represent important novel histomorphological prognostic factors in colorectal cancer (CRC).

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