
T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is frequently associated with overexpression of the oncogenes LMO2 and SCL(TAL1) which are normally down regulated following the double negative stage of T cell development. Our goal is to decipher the molecular and cellular mechanisms leading to the onset of LMO2 associated T-ALL. We were able to isolate a complex containing the transcription factors LMO2, SCL(TAL1) and E47 from primary human T-ALL cells with proven aberrant expression of LMO2 and SCL(TAL1) by applying immunoprecipitation and Western blotting techniques. This protein complex regulates the transcription of a truncated form of RALDH2 (retinaldehyde dehydrogenase) in T-ALL cells as shown by gene transcription profiling in conjunction with RT-PCR and siRNA approaches. To monitor the effect of LMO2 expression on T cell development and leukemogenesis, lethally irradiated mice (C57BL/6) were transplanted with bone marrow cells that had been transduced with a retrovirus carrying LMO2 as the transgene. One year later, 88% of the cells in the thymus expressed LMO2 and a shift towards CD3−/CD44+/CD25+ cells was observed (an 88% increase compared to normal thymocytes), suggesting a differentiation block caused by LMO2 leading to an accumulation of immature T cells. To test and identify cooperating genes in T-ALL development, bone marrow cells of LMO2 double transgenic mice in which tet-inducible LMO2 is controlled by a thymic specific promoter, were retrovirally transduced with SCL(TAL1). So far, none of the control animals, transplanted with bone marrow cells transduced with a vector only containing EGFP, developed T-ALL. However, six out of the seven test animals developed T-ALL exhibiting enlargement of the spleen, liver and thymus between seven and nine months after transplantation. Organs and blood of the diseased animals were infiltrated with T-ALL cells of the immature phenotype CD8+/CD4+ in five cases and of the CD3−/CD44+/CD25+ phenotype in one case. This indicates that the differentiation block caused by a lack of down-regulation of LMO2 and SCL(TAL1) in maturing T cells leads to a block in T cell differentiation and precedes T-ALL. These models will be used to examine the involvement of other cooperating genes in T-ALL development as well as downstream target genes of LMO2/SCL(TAL1), such as RALDH2, in the onset of T-ALL. We conclude that aberrant expression of LMO2 in T cells leads to a block in T cell maturation and, in conjunction with up-regulation of secondary genes like SCL(TAL1), triggers deregulation of genes in immature T cells leading to impaired T cell development and the onset of T-ALL. The described model will help to identify cooperating genes in LMO2 associated T-ALL as well as the chain of events leading to malignancy.

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