
T'ang Studies 3 (1985) T'ANG BUDDHIST ENCYCLOPEDIAS: AN INTRODUCTION TO FA-yUAN CHU-LIN AND CHU-CHING YAO-CHI S. F. Teiser Princeton University The study of T'ang Buddhist encyclopedias offers much to students of T'ang history and literature. Since they are arranged by category, merely locating entries in them involves an excursion into the T' ang Buddhist world-view. They are useful for those interested in Buddhist cosmology and for those interested in seeing how Empress Wu or state proscriptions fit into the Buddhist scheme of things. The two works introduced here, Fa-yuan chu-lin }~ ffl J;f ~ (Pearl Garden of the Dharma Forest) and Chu-ching yao-chi -t~ ~f ':f 11_ (Collection of Essentials from Various Sutras) by the seventhcentury monk Tao-shih ~ 1:!t , are well known for their length (100 and 20 fascicles, respectively), the breadth of sources I wish to thank Professors Alan Sponberg, Victor Mair, and the editors of T'ang Studies, especially Raoul Birnbaum, for their encouragement and for their criticisms of an earlier draft of this essay. The following abbreviations are used throughout: DNHKMJ Dai nihon komonjo, hennen monjo 1'-. a A- -1; ~i ~ .q:-::t.~ Tokyo: Tokyo teikoku daigaku, 1901-1940. K. Koryo De can gyon ~ J1t f', ~ £tZ. 生 Releasing life. 76 65 82 Saving from danger. 77 66-67 83-84 Grieving over suffering. 78 68 84-85 盂皇 囷 Karmic conditioning. 79 69 一70 85-87 輒 Receiving retribution. 80 71 88 才l, [Actions leading to] unpropitious and propitious retribution . 81 71 88-89 綠孟 The impediment of desire. 117 Sec. Fascicle T. SPTK Title Translated Title and Contents 82 83 84 85 86 87 72 72 73-79 80-85 86 87-89 89 90 90-96 97-102 102-03 104-07 The four modes of .birth. The ten fetters. The ten evil acts. The six perfections. Repentance. Taking the precepts. Precepts for laypeople monks. and 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 90 91 91 91 92 93-94 94 95 96 97 108 109 109 110 111 112-13 113 114 115 116 ~§? ~11J ~vj t ~1; ;;t1; ~ , ••1 M... $ .... ~ Breaking the precepts. Keeping the fast/feast. Lay-sponsored feasts for the sangha; maintaining vegetarian diet. Breaking the fast. Eating past noon; eating prohibited foods. [Karmic] rewards and punishments . Advantage and harm (as result of karma). Liquor and meat. Tao-shih's and others' comments on a liberal interpretation of bans on meat and liquor; gods' liquor. Impurities. Foods to be avoided; purity rules for personal cleanliness. Illness and pain. Sicknesses and healing. Giving up life (self-immolation for the salvation of others). Mortuary practices. Passage to death, mortuary ritual , sojourn in purgatory, rebirth . 118 Sec. Fascicle Title Translated Title and Contents T. SPTK 82 72 89 週7 生 The four modes of .birth. 83 72 90 十仔史 The ten fetters. 84 73-79 90-96 才悉 The ten evil acts. 85 80-85 97-102 , 大友 The six perfections. 86 86 102-03 樗討~Repentance. 87 87-89 104-07 受成 Taking the precepts. 88 89 90 91 92 90 91 91 91 92 108 . 109 109 110 111 視及成 令急 又厐\ 疚魯 名五 貞令] 利多 Precepts for laypeople and monks. Breaking the precepts. Keeping the fast/feast. Lay-sponsored feasts for the sangha; maintaining vegetarian diet. Breaking the fast. Eating past noon; eating prohibited foods. [Karmic] rewards and punishments . Advantage and harm (as result of karma). 93 93-94 112-13 潘肉 Liquor and meat. 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 113 114 115 116 瘟濁 漓苓 才全身 送終 Tao-shih's and others'comments on a liberal interpretation of bans on meat and liquor; gods' liquor. Impurities. Foods to be avoided; purity rules for personal cleanliness. Illness and pain. Sicknesses and healing. Giving up life (self-immolation for the salvation of others). Mortuary practices. Passage to death, mortuary ri 一 tual, sojourn in purgatory, rebirth . 118 Sec. Fascicle Title Translated Title and Contents T. SPTK 98 98 117-18 n.;~ Extinction of the Law (Dharma). Stages of dissolution, accompanied by decrease in lifespan, ordination of women; transmission of the Buddha's bowl. 99 99 118-19 *~ 't Miscellaneous essentials. Important terms, mouthwashing techniques. 100 100 119-20 -1~~CJ Traditions and records. -:j"'!! Basic...

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