
Trichothecene mycotoxins, with T-2 and HT-2 toxins being the main representatives of the type A subgroup, are naturally and worldwide occurring contaminants frequently found in grain-based food and feed. Due to the high consumption of these products and the potential health risk associated herewith, concerns about the safety and quality of food and feed have increased over the last decades at both governmental and consumer levels. Since it is not possible to avoid their occurrence, tremendous efforts have been performed to identify and monitor mycotoxins in food and feed to make their consumption safe. However, suitable certified reference materials (CRMs) intended for quality assurance and quality control purposes are still lacking for many mycotoxin-matrix combinations. Therefore, in the framework of a European Reference Material (ERM®) project, the first CRM for T-2 and HT-2 toxin in ground oat flakes (ERM®-BC720) was developed according to the requirements of ISO Guide 35. The whole process of ERM®-BC720 development, including sample preparation, homogeneity and stability studies and value assignment, is presented. The assignment of the certified mass fractionswas based upon an in-house study using high-performance liquid chromatography isotope-dilution tandem mass spectrometry. Simultaneously, an interlaboratory comparison study involving 24 expert laboratories was conducted in order to support the in-house certification study. The certified values and their corresponding expanded uncertainties (k = 2) for both T-2 and HT-2 toxin in ERM®-BC720, traceable to the international system of units, are (82 ± 4)μgkg(-1) and (81 ± 4)μgkg(-1), respectively.

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