
Oral history constitutes one of the most important aspects of history, not as a theory but as a method. From the middle of the twentieth century, historians began to develop a range of theories about subjectivity, memory, and narratives from memories of the past. Oral history therefore plays an important role in ensuring that the wartime horrors committed against humans in the twentieth century are not forgotten. However, there are many factors that affect the narratives of oral sources while conducting oral history research in this important role. It is important for historians studying oral history to evaluate these factors very well and to compare these factors with different aspects, which affect the truthfulness of the narratives, in order to carry out an impartial study.
 In the study, it was emphasized what kind of issues researchers working on oral history should pay attention to. In addition, it was mentioned what should be paid attention to in order to fully comprehend the reality of the subjects told by the people interviewed and whose memories were compiled within the scope of oral history. In addition, it was tried to explain the situations that the people whose memories were consulted could be affected by the events they told. For this, the main sources written on the subject in the literature and the works of the authors who made oral history studies were used. As a result, it has been seen that at the beginning of the issues to be considered in oral history research, attention should be paid to the physical and mental states of the oral history narrator that affect his memory. This is because they cause events to be misremembered or misrepresented. Therefore, all these situations should be evaluated thoroughly and the information given by the oral history narrator should be evaluated in the light of these

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