
The names of Masonic Lodges were usually decided by the founders well before establishing the lodges themselves. The possible motivations (including historical factors) for their name choice have already been presented in two booklets (Szabadkőművesi páholyneveink 1991-ig [Names of Hungarian Masonic Lodges up to 1991], Budapest, 1992, ELTE Magyar Nyelvészeti Tanszékcsoport Névkutató Munkaközössége, Magyar Névtani Dolgozatok, 114; Szabadkőművesi páholyneveink az ezredfordulóig [Names of Hungarian Masonic Lodges up to the Millennium], Budapest, 2000, Új Érték Szövetkezet) by the same author. – Names of Masonic Lodges in some cases were also changed. This phenomenon could be explained by several different factors, all of which are illustrated by examples in the paper. Lodge names could be changed to maintain the memory of someone or to acquire a short name. In most cases, however, the name changes were induced by the historical circumstances. These changes sometimes led to proper Hungarian-sounding names, in other cases the name change resulted in an explicitly foreign name, depending on the actual conditions in history.

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