
Foetal complications due to abnormal Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) levels are becoming a serious matter. The risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) is substantially greater in the raised maternal serum-alpha fetoprotein (MS-AFP) group than in the normal MS-AFP groups. The top three APOs in terms of occurrence rate in the increased MS-AFP group were structural foetal abnormalities, spontaneous abortion, and premature delivery. Low levels of AFP in the maternal may indicate a risk of Down syndrome. This is a critical matter that needs to be investigated and dealt with seriously, based on the systems thinking approach. This research aims to investigate screening methods on AFP foetal based on system thinking approach. The main purpose of the study is to provide an analytical and integrated approach to deal with foetal complications due to AFP level. This integrated approach comprises various analytical aspects, including conceptual framework, data analysis, evaluation of the screening methods. How systems thinking can contribute to improve all these aspects of foetal complications will be investigated. The methodology will enable to conduct a detailed explanation to the major problems of AFP in the form of a causal loop diagram based on the holistic view of the systems thinking approach. It is expected that the application of a systems approach could provide an effective method of analysis for understanding and managing the foetal abnormalities by considering all aspects in a holistic manner and clearer methods of intervention to reduce the cases.

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