
The concept of stratified graph introduces some method of knowledge representation (see [T¸ and ˘ areanu, N., ˘ Knowledge representation by labeled stratified graphs, Proc. 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 5 (2004), 345–350; T¸ and ˘ areanu, N., ˘ Proving the Existence of Labelled Stratified Graphs, An. Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform., 27 (2000), 81–92]) The inference process developed for this method uses the paths of the stratified graphs, an order between the elementary arcs of a path and some results of universal algebras. The order is defined by considering a structured path instead of a regular path. In this paper we define the concept of system of knowledge representation as a tuple of the following components: a stratified graph G, a partial algebra Y of real objects, an embedding mapping (an injective mapping that embeds the nodes of G into objects of Y ) and a set of algorithms such that each of them can combine two objects of Y to get some other object of Y . We define also the concept of inference process performed by a system of knowledge processing in which the interpretation of the symbolic elements is defined by means of natural language constructions. In this manner we obtained a mechanism for texts generation in a natural language (for this approach, Romanian).

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