
Systemology of education is the field of general systemology. On the other hand, systemology of education can reasonably be considered a structural part of contemporary education. There are many different arguments to substantiate such a position. For example, during the last two decades, educational (pedagogical) terminology has changed extremely rapidly. Education science has become more diverse than ever. Such branches as cooperation pedagogy, nonviolence pedagogy, pedagogy of the oppressed, peace pedagogy, success pedagogy, career pedagogy, theatre pedagogy and many others have appeared in educational scientific literature, not to mention the level of education. On the one hand, we do not deny the existence of these branches, on the other hand, the question arises about the scientific system in education in general (Lamanauskas, 2012). It is obvious that the development of education is characterised by two opposite trends – differentiation and integration. In such an abundance of currents, branches, directions, etc., it is not only easy to get lost, but it is even easier to lose the ability to identify mutual relations and define the place of each of them in the common stem of education science.

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