
To report the beneficial systemic effect of a 5-week course of intralesional interferon alpha-2b (IFN-A) injections to bilateral conjunctival lymphomas in a patient with relapsing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Interventional case report. A patient in relapse with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who declined further systemic therapy received 1.5-million IU IFN-A injected intralesionally to each of two conjunctival lymphomas to reduce ocular discomfort. This dose was repeated 10 times over 5 weeks. Conjunctival, postauricular, and facial lesions clinically resolved within 3 months of the start of treatment. Inguinal lymph nodes reduced in size, and the patient reported increased well-being and less fatigue. Side effects included injection discomfort and mild flulike symptoms, which were well tolerated. The improvement lasted 6 months from the first IFN-A injection. Intralesional treatment of conjunctival lymphomas with IFN-A induced disappearance of the tumors and also had a beneficial systemic effect.

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