
The relevance of the research topic consist in the existing systemic problems in the field of forced migration, including the lack of a real coordinating link, unsystematic state policy in the field of social adaptation and integration of forced migrants, and identified problems in statistical activities. The main conclusions of the study are to substantiate the need for high-quality administrative reform, including the formation of a single coordinating body authorized to carry out coordination functions and determine public administration schemes in various situations, modernize statistical activities, and create a specialized body authorized to carry out functions in the field of social and cultural adaptation of forced migrants and the adoption of the corresponding federal law. The author’s special contribution is a systematic study of statistical data on forced migration and identification of systemic problems in statistical activities, analysis of the latest legislation in the field of social and cultural adaptation. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the systematic approach to the study of issues of forced migration as a special category of public administration, different from labor and voluntary migration, the synthesis of law enforcement and protective powers and powers in the field of social and cultural adaptation and integration of forced migrants. This made it possible to analyze the activities of government bodies both from the perspective of suppressing illegal migration and compliance with established administrative procedures, and from the perspective of implementing a unified state policy in the field of social and cultural adaptation and integration, legal education, promoting the prevention of crime, strengthening integration and increasing the positive economic effect from the labor activity of forced migrants.

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