
Exposure to UVB radiation before antigen delivery at an unirradiated site inhibits functional immunological responses. Mice treated dorsally with suberythemal low-dose UVB and immunized with ova in abdominal skin generated ova-specific CD8 T cells with a significantly decreased activation, expansion, and cytotoxic activity compared with unirradiated mice. UVB also impaired the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction to ova. Transfer of CD4⁺CD25⁺cells from UVB-exposed mice did not suppress the ova-specific CD8 T-cell response or DTH reaction in unexposed mice, confirming that systemic low-dose UVB does not induce long-lived functional regulatory CD4⁺CD25⁺ T cells. Repairing cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer-type DNA damage and blocking aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling also did not reverse the immunosuppressive effect of UVB on ova-specific CD8 T cells and DTH, suggesting that cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor are not required in systemic low-dose UVB-induced immunosuppression. The known UVB chromophore, cis-urocanic acid, and reactive oxygen species triggered the inhibition of DTH caused by UVB, but they were not involved in the modulation of CD8 T cells. These findings indicate that systemic low-dose UVB impedes the primary response of antigen-specific CD8 T cells by a novel mechanism that is independent of pathways known to be involved in systemic suppression of DTH.

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