
Hepcidin is a peptide hormone regulating iron metabolism, the dyshomeostasis of which has been implicated in dementia. Yet, data on hepcidin status in dementia are scanty, limited to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and inconsistent due to methodological problems with its determination using immunoassays and/or lack of homogeneity of evaluated groups. Hepcidin association with vascular dementia (VaD) remains unknown. We proposed a mass spectrometry method of hepcidin quantification in sera and aimed at determining hepcidin systemic status in patients with dementia of AD, VaD, or mixed (MD) pathology, with reference to the degree of cognitive loss and structural changes in the brain as well as at evaluating the diagnostic potential of hepcidin as a biomarker. We found that hepcidin concentrations were significantly elevated in VaD and insignificantly so in AD or MD and that they positively correlated with the Clinical Dementia Rating and inversely with the Mini Mental State Examination. Hepcidin tended to be more pronouncedly elevated in patients with advanced cortical atrophy and white matter lesions. It displayed a biphasic relationship with the Hachinski Ischemic Scale and a good accuracy as dementia but not differential marker. Taken together, our results demonstrated that dementia of vascular and not neurodegenerative pathology is associated with significant elevation of systemic hepcidin. Hepcidin elevation reflects the degree of cognitive loss as well as the severity of structural changes in the brain. If confirmed in a prospective study, hepcidin quantification may hold promise as a diagnostic marker; its accuracy as a differential marker of VaD is insufficient.

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