
In animals, there may exist a hyperemic response in the portal circulation during intravenous administration of hypertonic glucose, but a hemodynamic response of this kind has never been described in man. This study was designed to evaluate if hyperglycemia itself could induce systemic or splanchnic hemodynamic changes in patients with cirrhosis. Sixteen patients with cirrhosis were studied before and during i.v. infusions of hypertonic (900 mOsmoles per liter) glucose (n = 8), mannitol (n = 4) or saline (n = 4) at 2 ml per min. In the group receiving glucose, there were significant increases in hepatic venous pressure gradient (+12%), azygos blood flow (+27%) and pulmonary capillary pressure (+32%), while calf blood flow decreased (-26%). No changes occurred in the mannitol or saline groups. Changes in plasma osmolality, plasma volume, splanchnic oxygen extraction and vasoactive hormones, including vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and glucagon, did not appear to be involved in the mechanism of these vasoactive phenomena. It is suggested that the possible deleterious effects of increase in portal pressure and azygos blood flow should be taken into consideration when administering hypertonic glucose to patients with portal hypertension.

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