
Understanding the behavior of pesticides used during fruit cultivation is important for effectively and safety applying to minimize the risk exposure of consumer. The aim of this study was estimated the level of pesticide in 80 apple samples collected from the South Kazakhstan. Additionally, the peel and pulp was investigated. Around 50% samples contained 24 pesticides, ranging 0.006–0.62, 0.005–0.46 and 0.02–1.38 mg/kg in whole apples, pulp and peel, respectively. The penetration factor pesticide peel/pulp was calculated and ranged 1.7–10.9 for kresoxim methyl and triazophos, respectively. Acute (aHI) and cumulative (cHQ) exposure health risks associated with consuming these pesticides in whole fruit, pulp and skin were estimated. The triazophos, chlorpiryfos and cyhalothrin exceeded safety ARfD: 830, 136 and 112% for adults, whereas for infants 4514, 742 and 609%. The cHQ exposure were the highest in peel for AChE inhibitors: 999%, and sodium channel modulators 123% for adults.

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