
Ophidic accidents are among the problems of public health in Brazil. The components from bothropic venom are responsible for many systemic clinical complications resulting from envenomation. The present work aimed to analyse the systemic changes induced in mice after intraperitoneal administration of BmooTX-I, a myotoxic acidic phospholipase A2 isolated from Bothrops moojeni venom. Urinalysis was performed and the following plasma biochemical markers were documented: urea, creatinine and uric acid (renal function); glucose and amylase (pancreatic function); alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-GT (intra- and extrahepatic function); creatine kinase and enzymatic lactate (muscle function). Our results showed that after the intraperitoneal injection of BmooTX-I the urine of these animals showed glycosuria, proteinuria, haematuria, bacteriuria, bilirubinuria, polyuria and nitrite. The plasma biochemical analysis showed alterations in levels of urea, creatinine and uric acid. Amylase concentration was not altered significantly, but the plasma glucose increased significantly compared to controls. The plasma levels of alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase decreased and increased, respectively, in these same animals. On the other hand, the plasma γGT concentration did not undergo significant modification compared to the control group. The plasma concentration of CK increased, while the enzymatic lactate concentration decreased after the injection of the BmooTX-I. Therefore, in mice BmooTX-I is capable of causing systemic alterations which manifest as renal, muscular, hepatic and pancreatic impairment.

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