
Introduction Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) is the form found in 90 to 95% of diabetes cases characterized by defects in the action and secretion of insulin and in the regulation of hepatic glucose production. Insulin resistance and functional defect of beta cells appear early in the preclinical phase of the disease. Obesity is the main risk factor for triggering this pathology, considering that, in these cases, insulin resistance is usually the consequence. From this perspective, Systematization of Nursing Assistance (SNA) is essential for the care of patients with a diagnosis of DM2, as it ensures the promotion of systematic and continuous assistance, thus constituting a basis for selection for care interventions. Objective To analyze the importance of Systematization of Nursing Assistance in health promotion for patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Methodology Descriptive study of the experience report type, conducted from the academic experience in supervised curricular internship, from the Adult and Elderly Health discipline in Primary Care, with home visits together with the Family Health Strategy Team in municipality of Recife – PE, in June 2019. Results With the practice of care planning from SNA, in DM2, it was possible to reach the following Nursing Process implementations: NANDA: Impaired skin integrity related to injury in the left lower limb evidenced by pain and loss of skin continuity after debridement. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC): Will have wound healing in a timely manner without complications. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC): Check for general weakness associated with chronic disease. NANDA – Risk of falls related to visual impairment and difficulty walking. NOC – Verbalizes that understands the personal risk factors that contribute to the risk of falling. NIC – Assess the general health status of the individual, paying attention to factors that may compromise safety, including chronic disorders. Conclusions/Considerations: In this context, the importance of Nursing Systematization is noteworthy, since it can be applied in various areas of nursing practice, concretizing nursing care through scientific bases, granting greater credibility and autonomy to the professional. It also provides the patient with holistic care through various pathological contexts.

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