
A new material on the Neotropical genera Lichenomorphus Cadena-Castaсeda, 2011, Dissonulichen Cadena-Castaсeda, 2011, Theia Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1891, Hetaira Brunner-Wattenwyl, 1891 and Anaulacomera Stål, 1873 (Phaneropterinae) are considered with description of one new subgenus, 16 new species and six new subspecies: Euceraicerca subgen. nov. from Anaulacomera s. l.; L. dietrichi sp. nov. from Panama (Chiriqui Prov.); L. piraniucayali subsp. nov. from Peru (Ucayali Department); D. roseola sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); Th. (Theia) albamacula sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); Th. (Th.) sergeii sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); H. (Hetaira) miaria sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (Cervicercora) tshugaevae sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (C.) lehnfeldae sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (C.) cristalica sp. nov. from Peru (Junin Department); A. (C.) rectiapex cusco subsp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (C.) abrupta sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (C.) a. neglecta subsp. nov. from Peru (Junin Department); A. (C.) superapex hamata subsp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (C.) lativenosa sp. nov. from Peru (Loreto Department); A. (C.) l. serrata subsp. nov. from Peru (Junin and Cusco Departments); A. (C.) angustissima sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (C.) rotundiloba sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (C.) abbreviata urubamba subsp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (Oecella) panama sp. nov. from Panama (Panama Prov.); A. (Oe.?) leonidi sp. nov. from Peru (Junin and Cusco Departments); A. (?) minicercata sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco Department); A. (?) viadanocerca sp. nov. from Peru (Cusco and Junin Departments). Previously unknown female and male of H. (Atopana) morona Gorochov, 2014 and H. (H.) angusta Gorochov, 2014, respectively, are described. Some new data on geographical distribution of a few species are also given.

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